A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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Journey To The End is a short space exploration walking simulator that is mainly a prototype game for learning and practicing Unity. It's incomplete because the scope was way too big for me to both learn and complete in a week with university on top of that. But I think there is a charm to the game of what could have been.

I wanted to make it more complete than just a walking simulator. The reason for the spaceship was because I wanted to make a really fast and short game with the same style as Iron Lung.

Special thing to note is that the stars are all randomly generated with square boxes scattered throughout the space. I wrote it using code and I find it really pretty. The inspiration was from Elden Ring's underground city which is why I have a similar blue skybox.

You can download a Windows or Mac build.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Gude-JourneyToTheEnd_MAC_041524.zip 43 MB
Gude-JourneyToTheEnd_WIN_041524.zip 34 MB

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